martes, 15 de marzo de 2016


2° y 3° de Primaria 

There was / There were

There was a school party yesterday. In the party there were some children in their customes, for example: there was a queen, there was a witch and there was a clown but there wasn't any ghost. There weren't any balloons but there were a lot of sweets and fun!!!

Preguntas   (responder con Yes, there was/ Yes, there were/ No, there wasn't/ No, there weren't)

1.- Was there any ghost?
2.- Were there any children?
3.- Was there a party at school?
4.- Were there any balloons?
5.- Were there any sweets?

Traducción del texto

Ayer hubo una fiesta en la escuela. En la fiesta hubo algunos niños disfrazados, por ejemplo: había una reina, una bruja y un payaso pero no había ningún fantasma. No hubo globos pero había demasiados dulces y diversión. 

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